11 Ways to Stop Your Shoes from Making Noise on Hard Floors

In the modern world, noisy shoes can prove to be a significant inconvenience, particularly when walking on hard floors.

This is an issue that not only resonates personally but also impacts the professionalism in office settings as well as other quiet environments.

The persistent click-clack or squeak is bound to draw attention, often unwanted.

Instead of silently enduring the constant noise, there are feasible solutions at your disposal.

In this article, we will explore various techniques to avoid this rather common problem.

It’s time to ensure that your footwear is seen, not heard.

Ways To Stop Your Shoes From Making Noise On Hard Floors

1. Use a Soft Damp Cloth to Clean Soles

One of the initial ways to stop your shoes from making noise on hard floors is by ensuring that the soles are clean.

Over time, shoes accumulate and carry various forms of dirt and debris, which could contribute to the noise made when walking.

To remedy this, one can use a soft damp cloth to clean the soles.

Not just any cloth, but a soft one, to avoid scratching or damaging the shoe’s sole and make it more susceptible to making noise.

Moreover, the cloth should be damp as opposed to being soaked wet or dry.

A damp cloth is effective in removing and loosening the dirt stuck onto the shoe soles.

It’s crucial to know exactly how to clean soles using a damp cloth to ensure you achieve the best results.

First, you need to dampen the cloth with warm water, then gently but firmly wipe the sole of the shoe.

Avoid using harsh soaps or detergents, as they can damage the material of the sole, potentially causing more noise.

Instead of scrubbing aggressively, repeat the gentle wiping process several times until the sole is clean.

Afterwards, leave the shoe to air dry naturally, instead of using heat sources like radiators or blow driers that could warp the shoe’s shape or material.

If necessary, employ a soft bristle brush to deal with stubborn dirt stuck in the crevices of the shoe’s design.

Keep in mind that the proper and regular cleaning of your shoe soles can overall enhance the longevity and performance of your shoes, not just reducing the squeaky sounds they make.

2. Sprinkle baby powder inside and outside the shoe

Using baby powder is an age-old trick that’s highly effective when it comes to creating a squeak-free environment.

In fact, it’s used by many people not just for preventing shoe noises but also for avoiding foot odors and discomfort.

Shoes often make noise on hard surfaces due to moisture and friction, and baby powder absorbs this moisture, helping to minimize the squeaky noises.

Baby powder, also known as talcum powder, primarily consists of talc which works as a desiccant.

Utilizing this, you can avoid the rubbing of shoe parts due to its lubricant properties.


The powder forms a layer between the shoe material and your foot, thereby significantly reducing friction and in turn, loud noises.

Moreover, baby powder acts as a barrier that prevents wear and tear from directed friction on the shoe material, prolonging the life of your shoes.

It’s also convenient and easy to apply.

You simply need to sprinkle a small amount of baby powder inside your shoes, making sure it covers the entirety of the insole.

For better results, it’s recommended to do this a few hours before you wear your shoes so the powder has enough time to absorb all existing moisture.

Moreover, make sure to spread some on the exterior sole especially if it’s made out of rubber.

It’s important to note that not all powders work the same way, ensure you are using talc-based powders in particular for this purpose.

Also, some people may develop allergies towards talc, hence it’s advised to test it on a small skin patch first.

Therefore, using baby powder can be a simple yet effective solution to prevent your shoes from squeaking on hard floors.

Without a doubt, it’s a cost-effective, safe, and easily accessible option to make your stride more comfortable and silent.

Again, you don’t have to spend hefty amounts on specialized products.

Sometimes, a small sprinkle of baby powder can do the magic.

3. Attach a grip pad or rubber to sole.

One significant tip in the quest to stop your shoes from making noise on hard floors is to attach a grip pad or rubber to the shoe sole. This addresses two issues; it helps to reduce the noise produced by your shoes and also improves the grip of your shoe on hard surfaces.

4 Ways To Make Your Footwear Less Slippery

By viewing the embedded video, you will learn practical steps that can aid you in attaching grip pads to your shoes.

Moreover, the footage further explains how such additions to your footwear can greatly reduce noise and enhance your overall safety by providing additional traction.

When considering attaching a grip pad or rubber to your shoe, it’s crucial to pick the right type and size that match your specific footwear.

This is because grip pads and rubbers come in a variety of shapes, thicknesses, and sizes intending to accommodate various shoe styles and functions.

It’s also essential to ensure that the grip pad or rubber is securely attached to your shoe to effectively reduce noise and prevent slipping.

A grip pad loosely or improperly attached may actually contribute to additional noise or discomfort when walking.

Apart from causing noise, it might also risk slipping off the shoe, resulting in possible injury.

Therefore, it is advisable to have the grip pad or rubber professionally fixed or sewn in place by a cobbler if you are not adept in doing it yourself.

Also, keep in mind that grip pads and rubbers are usually designed for different types of hard surfaces. Some are meant for indoor hard floors, while others are more suitable for outdoor concrete surfaces.

As such, ensure you pick the one that better suits the surfaces that you frequently walk on.

If you’re unsure of which type to choose or how to attach it, various shoe repair shops and experts can offer advice and assistance.

By attaching a grip pad or rubber to your shoe soles, you not only reduce the noise your shoes make, but you also increase their longevity.

Ultimately, this step might save you a considerable amount in shoe repair or replacement costs in the long run.

4. Scuff soles on abrasive surfaces like concrete.

One effective way to prevent your shoes from making excessive noise on hard floors is to scuff the soles on abrasive surfaces such as concrete.

Often, shoes are made with sleek and polished soles, which don’t provide substantial friction when coming in contact with hard floors, resulting in noise.

By scuffing the soles, you essentially increasing the traction and roughness of the soles, helping to reduce the noise made.

This can be as simple as walking deliberately on a patch of concrete, which may be your driveway or sidewalk, and dragging your feet slightly.

This deliberate scuffing serves to roughen up the surface, creating a more frictional surface and thereby decreasing the amount of noise your shoe makes when it hits the floor.

It’s also worth remembering that this isn’t a one-time fix. Your shoes will naturally become smoother through wear and tear, and you’ll need to repeat the scuffing process occasionally to keep the noise down.

You may be wondering whether this process will damage your shoes. The answer depends on the material of your shoe’s soles.

Leather soles, for instance, may show more signs of wear than rubber ones but generally speaking, scuffing is safe for your shoes and can even extend the life of your soles by providing them with a little more grip.

In comparison to other solutions, scuffing the soles is an incredibly affordable solution, requiring no additional products or tools.

However, it may not be the most suitable solution for all kinds of footwear. For example, highly polished leather shoes or high heels may not take well to this method and may even look worse off after scuffing.

In these cases, it’s recommended to pursue a different solution such as using grip pads or padding on the inside of your shoes.

The success of this method really depends on your specific shoes and how they’re constructed.

However, in general, scuffing can help reduce the noise from your shoes significantly and is worth trying out before investing in other, perhaps costlier, solutions.

Remember to be observant and gentle with your shoes, always considering the material, quality, and the level of noise you are willing to tolerate.

Overall, scuffing soles on abrasive surfaces such as concrete is a simple, cost-effective and quite efficient means of reducing the noise your shoes make on hard floors.

As part of a wider solution, combining this method with other techniques in this list can help to ensure your shoes always stay quiet, respectful and in good condition.

5. Apply petroleum jelly on the noisy part

One effective method to stop your shoes from making noise on hard floors is to apply petroleum jelly. Petroleum jelly, often known by the brand name Vaseline, is a popular multi-use product that can be conveniently used for a variety of purposes.

Applying petroleum jelly on the parts of your shoes that make noise help in reducing friction. It’s the friction created between the shoe and the hard floor that often produces the annoying sound.

Using petroleum jelly for this purpose is relatively simple and cost-effective. This product is widely available and inexpensive, making it an excellent choice for this shoe life hack.

To use this method, first, ensure your shoes are clean and dry. This makes it easier for the petroleum jelly to adhere and minimize the noise effectively.

Next, use a clean cloth to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the noisy areas of your shoe. These areas would typically be where the shoe hits the floor first when walking.

Be careful to apply only a small amount of petroleum jelly, as applying too much may make your shoes slippery and unsafe.

This statement is imperative as you don’t want to create a safety issue while trying to solve a noise problem. It’s always wise to balance effectiveness with safety when trying any DIY solution.

Also, continue to monitor the noise levels even after the initial application. If required, you might need to reapply petroleum jelly regularly to maintain the silence.

One thing to keep in mind is that this solution is temporary and not permanent. However, due to the easy accessibility and cost-effectiveness of petroleum jelly, it makes for a practical choice.

Amazing Shoe Life Hack - Fix Squeaky Sneakers DIY

For more practical solutions to fix noisy sneaker issues, watch the video above. You will gain insights into a simple, yet effective DIY to fix squeaky sneakers.

By using products you most likely already have at home, you can significantly reduce and even silence the noise your shoes make on hard floors.

6. Attach Moleskin or Felt to the Shoe Interior

It’s not uncommon for shoes to make noise on hard surfaces due to the interior material rubbing against itself or your foot.

Using moleskin or felt to cover these friction points in the shoe interior can be an effective way to eliminate this kind of noise.

The moleskin or felt acts as a barrier between the shoe material itself and your foot, thus reducing friction and subsequent noise.

Both of these materials are soft and comfortable against the skin, so they won’t cause irritation or discomfort while wearing your shoes.

If the interior of the shoe is causing squeaking due to moisture, moleskin and felt can also help to absorb excess moisture.

The process of attaching moleskin or felt to the shoe interior is simple and can be done at home with a few basic materials.

If you don’t already have moleskin or felt at home, these materials can easily be found at your local craft store or online.

You’ll also need a pair of scissors and either adhesive or sewing materials, depending on how you prefer to attach the moleskin or felt to the shoe interior.

Start by cutting the moleskin or felt to size, ensuring it’s large enough to cover the area inside your shoe that’s causing the noise.

Next, carefully attach the moleskin or felt to the interior of the shoe using your chosen method of adhesive or sewing.

By adhering the moleskin or felt securely, you’ll prevent it from moving around inside your shoe and adding even more noise.

While you’re attaching the material, be sure to smooth out any creases or wrinkles that could cause discomfort while wearing the shoe.

Once you’ve completed this process, it’s critical to test out your shoe to ensure the noise has been effectively eliminated.

If you’re still hearing a noise after attaching the moleskin or felt, it’s possible that further modifications or adjustments may need to be made.

It’s also important to remember that moleskin and felt can wear down over time, and you may need to replace this material occasionally to continue enjoying a noise-free shoe experience.

By following these steps, you can use moleskin or felt effectively as a way to stop your shoes from making noise on hard floors.

7. Use a Shoe Repair Glue on Worn Areas

Having noisy shoes can indeed prove quite irksome, especially when the noise comes from hard floors. The source of this noise is often due to worn out areas on the soles of your shoes.

There is an excellent remedy to alleviate this issue: using shoe repair glue. This specific type of adhesive is designed to replenish worn out soles, thus empowering you to effectively stop your shoes from making noise on hard floors.

One type of this effective glue is known as Shoe Goo. Unlike regular glue, Shoe Goo is a specialized adhesive that dries to a rubbery consistency, mimicking the original material of most soles. This makes it an optimal solution for repairing the worn areas of your shoes.

Shoe Goo ensures the seamless mending of shoes, replenishing their worn-out parts while reducing noise on hard floors.

This glue’s unique drying consistency enables it to fill in the gaps and crevices created by wear and tear in your shoes. These gaps are often the culprits causing noise as you walk. By filling them in with Shoe Goo, the surface of your soles becomes equalized, vastly reducing or even eliminating noise.

In addition to providing a silence solution, shoe repair glue like Shoe Goo extends the life span of your shoes, providing a buffer against further wear and tear. This invariably saves you costs in the long run as you won’t need to replace your shoes as frequently.

Applying shoe repair glue is a straightforward process. Essentially, you need to clean your soles, apply the adhesive to the worn areas, and let it dry. Shoe repair glue, such as Shoe Goo, is quite easy to handle, making it a user-friendly solution.

Shoe Repair With Shoe Goo

This video provides a visual guide on how shoe repair glue, specifically Shoe Goo, can be used. You’ll learn the step-by-step process of application, plus additional tips on maximizing the effectiveness of this adhesive.

Again, using shoe repair glue on worn areas of your shoes offers a quick, efficient, and cost-effective way to silence noisy shoes on hard floors. Consider exploring this technique to enjoy a more serene walking experience on all types of floors.

8. Replace the Heel Tip if It’s Worn Out

The noise that your shoes make on hard floors can be drastically reduced by taking proper care of the heel tips. Heel tips are usually made of plastic or rubber and are prone to wear and tear, which may be a root cause of the noise.

First and foremost, inspect your shoes for signs of significant wear on the heel tip. Are they thin, uneven, or even missing entirely?

Next, to ensure soundless steps, decide whether your heel tips need to be replaced; if the heel tips are even slightly damaged, they likely need a replacement.

Replacing worn-out heel tips is an invested method of fixing squeaky shoes as it not only reduces noise but it also extends the life of your shoes significantly making them more comfortable to wear.

This quote illustrates how not only does replacing worn-out heel tips reduce noise, but it also increases shoe longevity and enhances comfort. Hence, it’s a solution that yields multiple benefits.

While replacing the heel tip may seem daunting, it’s a fairly simple and quick process that one can undertake at home.

You will need a new pair of heel tips, a pair of pliers, and some super glue. Begin by removing the existing heel tip using the pliers, attach the new tip using the super glue and allow it to dry properly.

It’s crucial to do this process slowly and correctly to ensure the best fit and adhesion, which will produce the most significant noise reduction.

If you’re not comfortable doing this at home, you can also choose to have this service done professionally at a shoe repair shop.

A professional shoe repairer will be able to provide an ideal matching heel tip and replace it skillfully, ensuring that your shoe is like new, quiet, and comfortable to wear.

Remember, safety is paramount when doing this at home. Ensure you handle the sharp tools with care and keep them away from children.

Avoiding unnecessary wear on the heel tip is also important. Do this by not dragging your heels when walking, but instead lift your foot completely off the ground with every step.

Again, regularly checking your shoes, especially the heel tips for wear and tear, and replacing them timely can help in mitigating the noise your shoes make on hard floors.

Whether done at home or by a professional, care should be taken in the process to ensure the highest quality results.

The replacement of heel tips isn’t just a way to stop your shoes from making noise but it’s also a way to extend the life of your shoes and enhance your overall comfort.

9. Rub sandpaper on the soles for better grip.

One of the most successfully employed methods of reducing noise from your shoes on hard floors to a minimum is by using sandpaper.

This technique essentially involves removing the smooth surface on the soles of your shoes, which causes friction leading to noise, and replacing it with a rough, more grippy surface.

The rough surface results from rubbing sandpaper against the soles, which increases traction and reduces the chance of slipping and excessive noises.

Appropriately using sandpaper not only reduces noise but enhances your shoes’ grip, enhancing your safety.

Please do not use heavy force or pressure when rubbing the sandpaper against your shoe’s soles. An over-scuffed sole can lead to excessive wear and tear, shortening the shoe’s lifespan.

With that said, while using the sandpaper, be gentle and methodical, making sure to evenly scuff up the entire surface of the shoe’s sole.

How to restore the grip back to basketball shoes!!!

This video provides an in-depth guide on how to execute this process. You’ll get a firsthand experience of how you can restore the grip back to your shoes, a crucial step towards ensuring reduced noise when treading on hard surfaces.

Most importantly, this video will showcase how you can do this without causing any more damage to your shoes, which is essential. Also, don’t forget to test the shoes after scuffing them to ensure the noise has dramatically reduced.

With sandpaper, always remember to work in one direction, and gradually increase the grit of the sandpaper.

This graduates from creating larger abrasive grooves to fine-tuning and making smaller grooves, which help in reducing the noise and increasing the grip.

The whole process, while simple, requires patience and precision. Rushing can undermine the impact of the sandpaper on the shoe’s sole and potentially cause a more serious distortion of the sole, voiding the purpose of the exercise.

Moreover, whether your shoe is new or old, always treat it with care during this process. A moderate-sanded shoe sole is always better than a heavily sanded one which might end up totally worn out.

Given the importance of this exercise to silence your shoes, you should practice it from time to time to maintain their grip and minimize the noise they produce on hard floors.

10. Change the way you walk for less noise

One key factor that may contribute to noisy shoes on hard floors is your walking style.

By slightly altering the way you walk, you can significantly reduce the amount of noise your shoes generate.

This method may require a bit of concentration and practice initially, but in the long run, it will become second nature.

You might need to make slight adjustments to your walking style which can make a substantial difference in reducing the noise.

Start with observing the part of your shoe that produces the maximum noise while you walk.

Knowing this will help you adjust your step to prevent that part of the shoe from striking the floor too hard.

For instance, if you notice that the heel of your shoe creates the most noise, try walking more on the balls of your feet.

Similarly, if the noise is more when your whole foot hits the ground, try to land softly on your heel and then roll on to the rest of your foot.

If you continue to practice this, it will soon become an instinctive adjustment.

Walking with slightly bent knees can also help in absorbing some of the impact, thereby reducing the noise.

You should also focus on walking slower than your usual pace since rushing can often lead to increased noise.

Walking too fast increases the impact of the shoe hitting the floor, thus creating a louder noise.

Taking small steps can also serve as an effective tactic to lessen the noise of your footsteps.

Another area to pay heed to is your body weight.

Your body weight distributes differently as you walk, and if you are mindful of this distribution, you can significantly reduce the intensity of the noise generated.

Distribute your body weight evenly across your feet rather than focusing it on one particular region.

Ultimately, how you choose to modify your walking style depends on your comfort, the structure of your shoes, and the noise intensity.

Remember, it is essential to not negatively affect your natural gait or posture while making these adjustments as it can lead to discomfort or injury.

Therefore, make changes while maintaining a posture that suits your comfort level, providing you with a noise-free, pleasant walking experience.

11. Use sound absorbing shoe insoles or inserts

One of the most effective ways of dealing with noisy shoes is the use of sound absorbing shoe insoles or inserts. These are specially designed pieces of material that can effectively mute the noise produced by your shoes as they hit hard surfaces.

These insoles or inserts are typically made of soft materials such as rubber or foam, which are known for their sound-absorbing properties. Their main function is to provide a layer of padding between your feet and the shoes, thereby reducing the impact and consequent noise.

Sound absorbing shoe insoles or inserts come in various sizes and thicknesses. Therefore, it is important to choose the right size and thickness for your shoes to ensure maximum noise reduction.

While they are relatively easy to install, it’s advisable to have your sound-absorbing insoles or inserts fitted by a professional to ensure optimal fit and effect.

This does not necessarily mean you have to hire a professional. In fact, many shoe stores offer free insole fitting services when you purchase the product from them. Moreover, most insoles come with installation guides that make the process incredibly easy, even for first-timers.

The sound-absorbing insoles or inserts can significantly reduce the amount of noise produced by your shoes. However, for the best results, you should combine this technique with other noise reduction approaches such as using shoe pads, applying petroleum jelly, or changing the way you walk.

It’s worth mentioning that besides reducing noise, sound absorbing shoe inserts and insoles can also provide additional benefits such as improved comfort and reduced foot fatigue. Therefore, these products offer a comprehensive solution to the problem of noisy shoes.

Silence your PROPS and FOOTSTEPS!

By watching the embedded video, viewers can gain practical insights on the proper installation of sound-absorbing insoles. The video also demonstrates other effective techniques for reducing shoe noise which they can implement along with the insoles or inserts for better results.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, eliminating unwanted noise from shoes can be achieved through various approaches including regular cleaning, application of baby powder, and the use of grip pads or rubbers.

There are also a few unconventional methods such as scuffing soles on rough surfaces, applying petroleum jelly, attaching moleskin or felt to the shoe interior and using shoe repair glue on worn areas to reduce noise.

If none of these methods does the trick, you might want to consider replacing worn-out heel tips or using sandpaper to provide better grip on the soles.

As a last resort, you may need to consider changing your walking pattern or invest in sound-absorbing shoe insoles.

Therefore, many options are presented to eliminate noisy shoes, ranging from basic maintenance to strategic modifications and thoughtful walking techniques.