17 Ways To Deal with Upstairs Neighbors Stomping

Excessive noise from the flat above is a common problem that plagues many individuals living in multi-story buildings.

The ceaseless stomping or other thunderous activities from upstairs neighbors can raise concerns about quality of life and personal comfort.

Often, a simple conversation does little to alleviate the problem.

Nevertheless, it remains essential for occupants to take definitive action, in an attempt to restore tranquility to their environment.

In this regard, diplomacy, legal action, and noise reduction techniques may come into play.

In this article, we will explore various effective ways to abate such noise issues without breaking a sweat.

Ways To Deal With Upstairs Neighbors Stomping

1. Politely ask them to reduce their noise levels

Living with loud upstairs neighbors can be quite stressful and challenging. As such, it is essential to address this issue from the get-go.

One of the simplest ways to handle the noise problem is to politely ask your neighbors to reduce their noise levels.

The loud noise could be due to many reasons – considering their general unawareness can help you approach them with empathy and understanding.

Bringing up the issue can be difficult, particularly if you barely know your neighbors.

However, a polite and respectful conversation can help you highlight the issue without causing any conflict.

This conversation may initiate a mutual agreement on the appropriate noise levels, thus improving your living situation.

While talking about your concerns, keep your tone calm and reasoned to prevent any possible argument.

It’s also helpful to mention particular instances when the noise was troublesome, such as late at night or early in the morning.

Communication is key. Gently assuring them that you understand their lifestyle might necessitate some level of noise will help keep the conversation respectful.

It’s a delicate balance, but with the right tone and words, you can create an open line of communication with your noisy neighbors.

Reaching out to your neighbor shows goodwill and is a friendly first step before escalating the situation by involving authorities or your apartment management.

After all, your ultimate goal is to live in harmony with all your neighbors.

The first step toward this goal is to try to resolve any issues amicably and privately.

If you communicate effectively and your neighbor takes note of your concerns, you could see a reduction in noise levels, transforming your living environment for the better.

Ultimately, a polite request might be all it takes to address the stomping noises from your upstairs neighbors.

2. Write a cordial, respectful letter

One fundamental step to deal with upstairs neighbors who are too noisy involves taking the time to write a cordial, respectful letter.

Undoubtedly, this traditional method of communication can still work wonders, considering that you communicate your concerns in a non-confrontational manner.

Start your letter by greeting your neighbors warmly and mention some positive traits you observed about them.

Remember, the key to a successful letter is to make it personal and friendly so that the neighbors will take it positively.

For instance, you can express how you admire their lively nature and that you truly understand that everyone has a right to enjoy their personal space.

By doing this, you are setting a friendly tone for the rest of your letter, and your neighbors are likely to be more receptive to your concern about their loud noise.

Most importantly, it helps establish the fact that your intentions are pure and you have no intention of infringing upon their right to enjoy their home.

After acknowledging their rights, this is when you’ll bring up your concern about the noise.

Make sure to state that their noises, especially those resulting from stomping, are causing you some inconveniences.

Offer a brief explanation about how these noises are interfering with your daily routines, productivity, or sleep, without sounding confrontational.

Try to be as objective as possible and avoid loaded or emotional language as this can escalate the issue instead of resolving it.

It would also be useful to provide specific examples of the instances when the noise was disruptive, as this will help them understand the extent of the problem.

Providing specific examples not only emphasizes your concern but also makes your complaint tangible and easier for them to understand.

Finally, end your letter by asking your neighbors to consider reducing their noise levels and thanking them for understanding your situation.

Your polite request might prompt them to become more conscious of their noise levels and make some efforts to reduce it.

Remember to sign your letter, showing credibility and sincerity.

A well-written, respectful letter can go a long way in addressing this issue and fostering good relationships with your upstairs neighbors.

Bear in mind that your goal is to live harmoniously with your neighbors, so the way you communicate your concerns matters a great deal.

Writing a cordial and respectful letter can be a perfect starting point in achieving this.

3. Contact Your Landlord or Property Manager

One effective way to deal with upstairs neighbors stomping is to reach out to your landlord or property manager.

Most rentals have terms in the lease contract regarding noise pollution and tenants’ right to quiet enjoyment of their homes.

In order to addressing the issue, it would be advisable to communicate your concerns with those in charge of the premises.

This task can seem daunting, but being prepared and knowing your rights will make it entirely manageable.

A written record of your concerns enhances credibility and shows the landlord that you’re serious about the issue.

It’s essential to keep a record of all your communications and responses in this matter. This will come in handy in case of disputes or legal involvement later on.

This statement carries weight because it illustrates the importance of having proof of your correspondences and steps taken to resolve the noise complaints. It will serve as evidence of your efforts to handle the situation amicably.

Moreover, it will ensure that the landlord takes your concerns seriously, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Ensure that you describe the noise issue in detail mentioning when and how frequently the noise disruption occurs.

State how it’s affecting your day-to-day life and the impact it’s having on your peace and comfort, focusing on the emotional and physical disturbances caused by the noise pollution.

Sometimes, the landlord may not be aware of the noise, and your complaint might bring this recurring issue to their attention.

Upon receiving your letter or email, the landlord or property manager should take steps to address the issue.

They may directly approach the noisy neighbors, send them a warning letter or in extreme cases, threaten eviction for violating disturbance clauses in the lease agreement.

Appropriate legal action can be taken if the noise continues despite several complaints and warnings.

Can Your Landlord Stop Your Noisy Neighbors? | LawInfo

By watching this video, you can find out more about the responsibilities of landlords or property managers when it comes to noise pollution in their properties.

You can also gain insight into what steps can be taken if the problem persists, even after they have been made aware of the issue. This further underscores the importance of initiating dialogue with your landlord or property manager as one of the ways to handle excessive noise from your neighbors.

4. Send an Email or Text Message

When dealing with upstairs neighbors stomping, the fourth way to approach them is through a well-composed email or respectful text message.

A digital communication could be an effective way to relay your concerns in a non-confrontational manner.

Resist the urge to convey your frustration or anger in the message, as this can escalate the problem instead of resolving it.

Instead, stay polite, clear and concise, explaining your concerns about their noise levels.

You may also want to offer some examples of times when the noise has particularly disturbed you, in order to provide a clear context for your plea.

However, remember to always use a respectful tone, as it’s usually easier to grasp and accept criticism when it’s nicely put.

An impressive thing about sending digital messages is that you can proofread your message thoroughly before sending, ensuring you’re presenting your case as clearly and respectfully as possible.

This is a benefit that’s not as obvious in face-to-face or telephone conversations where you might let emotions dictate your choice of words.

In these digital messages, remember to stay open to their perspective and show that while you have a problem, you’re open to finding a mutual solution to it.

Providing them a platform to express their side of the situation may also encourage them to see things from your point of view and adjust their noise levels.

It’s a good way to create a conversation and work collaboratively to solve the problem.

Remember, the goal of sending an email or text message is to maintain good neighborly relations and come to a resolution that caters to everyone’s needs.

If you do get a response from them, respond respectfully and keep the conversation going until a solution is reached.

Even if the issue persists, you have begun to create a record of your communication, which could be useful if you need to involve a mediator or a property manager later.

The display of effort and initiative from your side will reflect the sincerity of your intentions.

Overall, sending an email or text message is a considerate method to address your concern about the noise level with your upstairs neighbors, without causing any undue tension or conflict.

5. Provide them with noise-reducing flooring suggestions.

Stomping sounds from upstairs can often be partially alleviated by making changes to the flooring. Noise-reducing flooring options can be a practical solution for both you and your upstairs neighbor.

Specifically designed to absorb and isolate sound waves, they can reduce airborne noise, such as voices and music, and impact noise like footsteps or dropped objects.

5 Best Soundproof Carpets And Flooring Materials 2022

This video has some relevant suggestions on noise-reducing flooring materials. You may find interesting and practical ideas which can help you to alleviate the noise.

You could also propose soft, dense rugs as an additional or alternate noise-dampening tool. They tend to absorb shock, which can significantly lower the sound of stomping feet.

Furthermore, extra-thick padding under wall-to-wall carpets can also create an additional soundproof barrier, further minimizing the disruptive stomping noise from your upstairs neighbors.

“Investing in interlocking foam mats, particularly in high-traffic areas, can be another practical noise reduction approach. These mats are easy to install and can prove to be an economical soundproofing solution.”

The above suggestion might be appealing to your neighbors who seek an affordable and non-intrusive solution. It is not a very costly option and can be done without professional help.

Besides, its lightweight nature allows them to move or reposition the mats as needed, thus it is an effective and versatile way to dampen stomping sounds.

When presenting these suggestions to your neighbors, it’s important to do it in a respectful and understanding manner.

Remember, the goal isn’t to criticize their lifestyle but to find a mutual solution for a peaceful living environment. The conversation should be constructive, aiming to improve the quality of life for both of you.

If executed well, this approach can lead to an improved living situation without escalating the issue in an unnecessary way.

Indeed, there’s a chance that your neighbors are unaware of the disruption they’re causing, and may appreciate your practical suggestions for noise reduction.

However, it’s essential to be prepared for potential refusal. In this case, other steps might need to be taken.

6. Offer to Buy Them Carpets or Rugs

The act of offering to buy your noisy upstairs neighbors carpets or rugs can be an effective and amicable way to address excessive noise.

Carpets and rugs significantly reduce the amount of noise that travels from one floor to another.

This method is particularly effective for noise caused by hard-soled shoes and heavy walking.

The offer is unlikely to cause any friction because it comes across as a generous act.

When you offer to buy them carpets or rugs, it is seen as a gesture of goodwill, rather than a direct complaint about their noise levels.

This perspective might make them more receptive to your request, reducing the noise they cause.

Additionally, they may feel indebted to you in some way, leading them to consider your plight more empathetically.

Showing that you are willing to invest in the solution can demonstrate how seriously you are affected by the noise.

The act also communicates the depth of your distress, without resorting to direct confrontation or aggression.

Before going ahead with this method, it’s advisable to evaluate the cost and your personal budget.

Discount rugs or clearance sales at carpet and home improvement stores are a good place to start if your budget is low.

Additionally, you could also consider second-hand rugs or carpets, but ensure they are clean and in good condition.

If buying a carpet or rug is out of your budget, consider offering to share the cost or help them install soundproofing measures under their existing carpets or rugs.

Be sure to gently explain that your offer is not a criticism of them but a way to make the living situation more peaceful for everyone involved.

Remember, it’s important to maintain open, respectful dialogue with your neighbours throughout this process.

7. Suggest They Wear Soft-Sole Shoes Indoors

The thuds that come from upstairs neighbours stomping can be particularly grating if they are wearing hard-soled shoes.

If this is likely the cause of your noise problem, you may want to suggest that they switch to wearing soft-soled shoes within the apartment.

This is a suggestion that, if heeded, can substantially reduce the amount of noise that makes its way to your apartment.

Soft-soled shoes are simply any type of footwear that has a soft, often rubber, sole, designed to limit the amount of noise produced through walking.

As the sole of these shoes are softer and more flexible, they are less likely to create a loud, thumping noise when coming into contact with the floor.

From slippers to runners, there are so many comfortable and stylish soft-soled options available – meaning your suggestion won’t necessarily mean that your neighbour must compromise their fashion sense for your peace of mind.

Type of Shoes You Should Wear With Plantar Fasciitis

Through watching the inserted video, your upstairs neighbour could get a better idea about the benefits of wearing softer-soled shoes.

Not only will it make your living situation more pleasant, but it might also improve their own comfort and foot health.

Ensure that you approach this conversation in a friendly, non-accusatory manner.

For instance, instead of saying, Your footsteps are causing too much noise, you could say, I was wondering if you might consider wearing soft-soled shoes indoors? It could greatly diminish the sound and I would be so appreciative.”

Most people don’t like feeling like they’re causing a problem, but one tackled in a courteous way presents an opportunity for resolution.

Remember this is a simple solution to a common problem and most neighbours will be understanding of your plight, provided you present it in a polite, respectful manner.

The noise made when they’re walking or moving around their apartment is probably unintentional, sometimes people just aren’t aware of the amount of noise they’re making.

By following this advice and discussing these options, you’re taking a significant step towards achieving a quiet and serene living space.

Your neighbour will appreciate your direct, yet respectful approach and you both can continue to live in harmony.

8. Request set quiet hours in the building.

In your attempts to deal with your upstairs neighbors stomping, an avenue worth considering is requesting the establishment of quiet hours in the building.

This strategy can be beneficial because it introduces structure and predictability into shared living environments, potentially helping to reduce noise disturbances.

Keep in mind that you also need to adhere to these regulations if they are implemented.

Quiet hours are well-recognized norms in shared housing communities and can be a diplomatic way to address noise concerns.

Suggested quiet hours might be between the hours of 10 PM and 8 AM, allowing residents their much needed rest and respite from unnecessary noise.

This will not only be beneficial to you, but also to others who might be facing the same issues.

With structured quiet hours, residents will have a clear understanding of the hours within which excessive noise is unacceptable.

Presenting this proposal to your property manager or landlord in a formal manner will increase the likelihood of its consideration and implementation.

This could be done through a letter, email or even during a community meeting.

Even if it doesn’t completely eliminate the noise, it will at least ensure that you have some peaceful hours during the day or night.

To further validate your request, you may want to gather support from other neighbors who are also affected by the noise.

Community-wide support will make your case stronger and more likely to be taken seriously by the management.

Remember, the aim is not to cause conflict but to seek a peaceful resolution for everyone involved.

This request for quiet hours does not underestimate your neighbor’s right to enjoy their home, but is a fair compromise for mutual respect between occupants of a shared space.

It would be considered a reasonable request, especially if the noise is affecting your quality of life significantly.

9. Consider Talking to Other Neighbors for Support

When dealing with disruptive upstairs neighbors, another useful approach can be to involve other neighbors in the building.

While keeping in mind to maintain a peaceful and neighborly approach, the saying “strength in numbers” can be applicable in this situation.

The collective voice of several tenants may have more influence and may catalyze the necessary action or changes faster.

This is especially true if the noise levels are affecting more people than just you.

Before talking to others, it’s essential to ensure you’re not alone in your annoyance.

Ask around to see if others are also disturbed by the stomping noise from the upstairs neighbors.

If they are, you have found allies who understand your predicament and may be willing to support you.

This would subsequently give more weight to your request to reduce the noise levels because it becomes a communal issue and not just a personal one.

However, remember to be diplomatic; your objective is to seek support, not to start a fight or badmouth your upstairs neighbors.

Discussing this with neighbors should be done respectfully and calmly, presenting the facts without letting personal emotions take over.

Together, you could witness the peaceful resolution of the noise problem.

It might even result in the setting and agreement on “quiet hours” in the building, thereby establishing a noise-free living environment for all dwellers.

Noisy Neighbors Revenge PAYBACK

Watching this video could provide valuable tips on handling abrupt situations caused by noisy neighbors.

It also offers insights into understanding their perspective to handle the situation better.

10. Call a neighborhood meeting to discuss noise concerns.

Dealing with a noisy upstairs neighbor can often feel like a personal battle; however, it’s worth considering broader strategies to approach the issue.

One such strategy is to call a neighborhood meeting to discuss noise concerns.

Such a meeting could serve as a platform for open dialogue where all the residents can contribute to the conversation about noise in the community.

Sometimes the offender is not even aware of the inconvenience they are causing until it has been expressed openly in such a meeting.

The primary aim of calling a neighborhood meeting is to create a space where everyone can voice their concerns, and collectively develop solutions to reduce noise levels.

This approach recognizes that noise is everyone’s problem, not just the person who lives directly beneath the noisy neighbor.

It empowers residents to join hands and develop solutions collectively to reduce noise levels within their shared living environment.

Furthermore, an open meeting would also provide a chance for the person causing the noise to defend their actions or provide an explanation if there is one.

It could be possible that your upstairs neighbor is unaware of the noise they’re causing, or they may have legitimate reasons for their actions.

The meeting would also provide a platform for them to address the problems or agree to make suitable changes.

This approach is more balanced because it treats every resident as a valuable voice in the discussion.

Moreover, by calling a meeting and having an open discussion about the issue, it would help eliminate any potential animosity or feelings of being victimized among residents.

Hence, calling a neighborhood meeting is an impactful way to create unity among the residents and address the issue at the same time.

This strategy of problem-solving promotes the ethics of understanding, empathy, and respect for one another’s living conditions.

Instead of engaging in an acrimonious battle with the offender, the neighborhood can formulate a plan to address the noise issue together.

Addressing the noisy neighbor issue as a community, rather than singling out the offender, gives everyone a chance to understand both sides of the situation, making a resolution more likely to be effective and lasting.

To sum it up, calling a neighborhood meeting is a robust approach that promotes dialogue and understanding, leading to an effective resolution in managing the noise concern.

11. Involve a Mediator if Necessary

When it comes to dealing with noisy upstairs neighbors, there might come a time when you’ve exhausted all other options. In these situations, involving a mediator can be beneficial.

After you’ve watched this helpful video, which delves deeper into the topic at hand, you’ll have a better understanding of just how a mediator can be of service. From the video, you will also learn practical ways to use mediation to deal optimally with the situation, embodying patience and neutrality.

Mediators are neutral third parties who help facilitate and guide discussions between two conflicting parties, hoping to encourage open dialogue and reach a mutual agreement.

Utilizing a mediator service can not only provide you with a chance to voice out your concerns regarding the noise disruptions but also allows your neighbors to do the same.

In other words, mediators help explain, clarify, and communicate both parties’ perspectives, leading to a better understanding of each other’s needs and feelings.

This mutual understanding is critical because it enables both parties to work towards a fair solution that respects everyone’s rights, including your right to quiet enjoyment.

When approaching the mediation process, it’s essential to bring evidence or records of the disturbances, such as recordings or written complaints, to reinforce your case.

However, mediation is not about assigning blame or taking sides. Its principal objective is to ensure that all involved parties are heard and understood, and then help them reach agreements that everyone can live with.

Mediation has proven to be an effective method in dispute resolution, including neighbor noise disputes, and it’s widely recognized for its high success rates.

While it may seem daunting to involve a mediator, it often results in more effective and permanent solutions than more confrontational methods.

The decision to involve a mediator shows a willingness to resolve the issue amicably out of respect for your neighbor’s needs and rights, while also ensuring your rights are upheld.

Remember, if the noise level continues to disrupt your peace even after the mediation, there are further steps you can take, such as filing a formal noise complaint.

But it’s always preferable to find a resolution before getting to that stage, especially if the objective is to maintain a harmonious living environment in your building.

12. File a formal noise complaint.

When dealing with the persistent issue of your upstairs neighbors stomping excessively, the filing of a formal noise complaint may become necessary.

This is typically considered as a last resort after all polite requests and negotiations have failed.

Filing such a complaint can help draw attention to the magnitude of the problem and move the relevant authorities to intervene.

Before you proceed, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific noise control laws and regulations in your city or community.

These laws typically set the parameters for acceptable noise levels and prescribe the appropriate steps for lodging a formal complaint.

You will have to collect concrete evidence which proves the severity of the noise disruption. One way to do this is to make a recording to document the noise level as mentioned in a previous section.

Another useful tool of evidence is to maintain a noise diary, noting dates, times, and descriptions of the noise episodes.

Once the evidence is compiled, you can then approach your local authority, such as your city or county’s noise control department.

By submitting your complaint to these departments, it may not only facilitate resolution but will also add a degree of formality to your complaint.

It’s important to remember that this procedure might take some time. Therefore, patience and resilience are required. While waiting, enduring the noise might be challenging, but using white noise machines or earplugs as suggested earlier might be helpful during this time.

After you’ve filed the formal complaint, the case commonly will be taken up by a noise control officer. They generally assess the disturbance and if it breaches the authorized noise levels.

If your complaint is upheld, the officer may issue a warning or a fine, and possibly order the noise source to be stopped, depending on the regulations in your locality. If the noise still continues, further legal action may be taken.

Involving law enforcement might seem serious, but when your peace and quality of life are continuously disturbed, taking this step towards resolution is worthwhile. Remember, everyone deserves a peaceful living environment.

Yet, we need to realize that living in a community requires patience and understanding. Filing a formal noise complaint should not be the first line of action, but a step taken when all forms of dialogue and compromise have failed.

13. Make a recording to document the noise level

Recording the noise levels coming from your upstairs neighbors can serve as a strong piece of evidence to back up your complaints.

Often, a simple audio recording using your smartphone might be sufficient enough. However, if possible, consider using more advanced sound monitoring equipment for accuracy.

How to Conduct Noise Monitoring | By Ally Safety

After watching this video, you’ll understand how to accurately carry out a noise assessment. The video will also guide you on some of the best practices for recording sound levels.

Time-stamping each recording would bring more credibility to the tapes as it helps identify when the noise is most frequently and intensely occurring.

This time-stamped data highlighting exact periods of disturbance is invaluable in making your case stronger.

Rigorous documentation through recordings is a powerful way to demonstrate the gravity of the noise issue to your landlord or property manager.

By doing so, it becomes easier for them to appreciate your situation and perhaps take concrete action to resolve the situation. If they have the audio proof, they may be more inclined to address the issue with the offending neighbors.

To further strengthen your case, consider noting down instances when the noise interfered with your daily activities or rest. This can underscore the extent of the disturbance caused by your neighbor’s noise.

Remember, though, each time you make a recording, it’s essential that you’re not violating any privacy laws. So, focus on the noise levels and avoid any eavesdropping.

With these recordings, your complaints won’t be seen as mere allegations. Your landlord or property manager might be more motivated to take steps to mitigate the noise issue.

Create a backup of all your recordings on a secure platform, so you don’t accidentally delete or lose this critical evidence.

While this might seem like a lot of work, remember that enduring excessive noise can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. By taking these steps, you’ll be advocating for your right to live in a peaceful environment.

Your overall goal is, of course, to find a resolution that doesn’t involve you having to uproot yourself from a living situation due to an issue that’s not your fault.

14. Use White Noise Machines or Earplugs for Sleep.

One practical method in coping with an upstairs neighbor who stomps is using white noise machines or earplugs for sleep.

These items greatly assist when the excessive noise becomes too much to bear.

Their main function is to drown out distracting background sounds, providing a peaceful environment for sleep or focus.

Employing a white noise machine generates a continuous soothing sound that masks the stomping noise from above.

These machines typically produce sounds akin to wind blowing, rain dropping, or waves crashing which are particularly calming, thereby creating a bubble of tranquility in your room.

For those who may find white noise machines bulky or expensive, earplugs serve as a cheaper and smaller alternative.

There exists a wide variety of options when it comes to earplugs, allowing you to choose one that suits your comfort and budget.

The beauty of earplugs is they are portable and allow you to control the level to which you block noise.

Some people prefer to still have a modicum of environmental noise while others like absolute silence, and the use of earplugs allows that personal control.

Remember, it is important to ensure that the earplugs are properly fitted into your ears in order not to cause discomfort, particularly during extended usage times such as sleeping.

On top of their noise reduction roles, both white noise machines and earplugs can improve the quality of your sleep by creating a quiet and serene atmosphere.

A well-rested individual is able to handle the ensuing day with much more clarity and patience, as opposed to one who had their sleep interrupted by irksome noises.

Therefore, when dealing with a stomping upstairs neighbor, these aids could provide the much needed respite during your slumber hours, mitigating the effects of the continuous noise.

Again, noise-reducing aids like white noise machines and earplugs can play a crucial role in your peaceful coexistence with a noisy upstairs neighbor.

They help to negotiate the compromise between the neighbor’s activities and your need for tranquility, particularly during essential times such as sleep.

15. Approach them with a small gift and request.

Dealing with noisy upstairs neighbors can be challenging, but sometimes, a kind gesture can make a significant difference.

One approach that may be effective is to approach your neighbors with a small gift and a request. This isn’t about bribing them to keep quiet but rather positioning yourself as a polite, understanding neighbor, willing to build a positive relationship.

This approach can take the edge off an otherwise confrontational conversation about noise reduction

Choosing the right gift can be a delicate task and can range from a bottle of wine, homemade cookies, or a gift card to a local coffee shop. You may also consider giving something that can indirectly aid in noise reduction, like a pack of felt furniture pads.

Choosing a gift that benefits both parties, like felt furniture pads, can serve as a polite reminder for them to be more mindful about noise.

This gifting strategy is subtle but efficient. When attached to a gift, your request to lower their noise levels might be more likely to be received in a positive light.

The goal here is to make your neighbors see you as a considerate and amicable person, which might make them more inclined to uphold your request.

When giving your gift, make sure to express your concern in a respectful, compassionate manner. Let them know you understand that living above someone can inevitably lead to some noise, but the current levels are affecting your peace and quiet.

Also, assure your neighbors that you’re open to any arrangements that might help mitigate the noise, emphasizing your desire for a peaceful, harmonious living environment.

New neighbor gift etiquette

For interesting insights on the etiquette surrounding giving gifts to new neighbors, this video could be helpful. You will learn what types of gifts are appropriate and how to present your request for decreased noise in the best possible way.

Again, using a gift as a medium to communicate your challenge can help establish a supportive atmosphere while addressing the noise issues, making your upstairs neighbors more likely to respond positively.

Remember, it’s not the value of the gift that counts, but the thought and intention behind it. The vital point is to create open lines of communication and mutual respect.

Good luck, and may your quest for a quieter home be successful!

16. Praise them when they are quieter.

Dealing with noisy upstairs neighbors can be a challenging and stressful situation.

The primary aim is to create a peaceful living environment where all residents feel comfortable.

Your interactions with your upstairs neighbors regarding their noise levels will likely take many forms, ranging from polite requests to potential intervention from a third party.

However, it’s also essential to create a positive rapport with your upstairs neighbors.

Such an approach might seem counterintuitive given the circumstances. Yet, it plays a pivotal role in setting the stage for constructive dialogue and cooperation.

One effective approach to facilitating this rapport is praising them when they are quieter.

Praising your neighbors when they’ve made an effort to reduce their noise serves two primary purposes: it acknowledges their effort to make changes, and it reinforces the desired behavior.

This act of praise isn’t just a polite gesture, it’s a strategic measure that can improve your living conditions. Recognizing their effort shows them that you notice and appreciate their attempt to make changes.

By doing this, you’re not only making them aware that their actions have been successful in reducing the noise level, but you’re also reinforcing the positive behavior. Acknowledging good behavior is a commonly used strategy in psychology, especially in behavior modification.

When you praise someone’s good behavior, they’re more likely to repeat it. This can, in turn, help maintain a quieter environment in your building.

You could provide this praise subtly through casual conversation or more directly by thanking them. The manner in which you give this praise should depend largely on the nature of your relationship with your upstairs neighbors and the context. The more genuine and specific your praise, the more impactful it will be.

Moreover, this positive reinforcement approach could help to transform what might have initially been a negative situation into a more positive neighborly interaction. It’s a step towards creating a harmonious living environment where all residents are considerate of each other’s peace and quiet.

Again, while asking your upstairs neighbors to reduce their noise can be difficult, appreciating them when they do so can change the dynamics significantly.

Remember, it’s not just about dealing with the noise, but about building a community where everyone respects each other’s comfort.

17. If all else fails, consider moving out.

After you’ve exhausted all other strategies in trying to deal with the difficulty of your stomping upstairs neighbor, there comes a time when you may have to make a tough decision.

Perhaps it’s the dreaded thought you’ve been trying to avoid, but sometimes moving out may be the only feasible solution left.

In such an extremely challenging situation, as saddening as it may be, your happiness and peace of mind should be your prime concern.

Many consider their home a sanctuary – a place in which they can relax and feel at ease – so if a noisy neighbor is continually robbing you of that tranquility, you might wish to consider other living arrangements.

If your lease allows or if you own your home, you may think about subletting or selling, and relocating to a more adaptive environment.

The decision to move should not be seen as a failure on your part, but rather a smart move to prioritize your wellbeing.

Moreover, it’s important to remember that before moving out, you should thoroughly research your prospective new dwelling to avoid finding yourself in a similar predicament.

Please understand that this is not a guarantee against future noisy neighbors, but some properties may have better sound insulation or stricter noise policies.

Additionally, getting to talk to potential neighbors upfront can also give you a heads-up about the environment you’re moving into.

Getting informed is indeed a proactive strategy, primarily since noise nuisance is such a widespread issue in apartment living.


By watching this video, you gain more practical ways of adeptly dealing with noisy neighbors. It covers a variety of tactics, some of which may offer you a fresh perspective on handling such a predicament.

If a resolution with your upstairs neighbor comes seemly impossible, considering other living alternatives is definitely a valid path.

Whatever you decide, always prioritize your peace, comfort, and well-being.

Remember, everyone deserves a peaceful living environment and if this means you need to pack up and find a new home, so be it.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, dealing with noisy neighbors doesn’t have to be a conflict-ridden experience.

By beginning with polite conversation and progressively escalating measures, you can navigate the problem while maintaining as much of goodwill as possible.

Communication, whether face to face, through a letter, text, or email, is key.

Providing suggestions for noise reduction and setting quiet hours can also lead to productive negotiations.

Gaining the support of other neighbors, or even hosting a neighborhood meeting, can make your concerns more pressing and harder to ignore.

If these steps don’t alleviate the issue, mediation, formal complaints or considering a move could be the last resorts.

Remember, your peace and sanity are paramount, and there are many constructive approaches to resolving such issues.