11 Ways To Stop Sandals From Making Suction Noise

When walking in our favorite pair of footwear under the sweltering summer heat, we oftentimes encounter an annoying issue.

An unexpected, unpleasant suction sound that accompanies each step can be bothersome.

It’s a nagging problem that many, especially those who prefer wearing sandals, come across.

This sound, seemingly harmless, can become unnerving when it persists and might disrupt your composure in quiet environments.

Even though it may seem like a trivial matter, it does require attention, and thankfully, some practical solutions can combat the issue effectively.

This blog will serve as a guide, providing you with effective methods to address this annoyance.

Ways To Stop Sandals From Making Suction Noise

1. Wear moisture-absorbent socks

One effective method to stop sandals from making the bothersome suction noise is by wearing moisture-absorbent socks.

Often, the suction noise occurs due to the friction generated between the sweaty feet and the inner soles of the sandals.

High-quality moisture-absorbent socks are designed to wick away or absorb the sweat from your feet.

This reduces the dampness that contributes to the annoying suction sound.

Therefore, moisture-absorbent socks serve as a reliable barrier between your sweat and the sandals, significantly reducing the opportunity for the suction noise to occur.

The aforementioned quote illustrates the primary reason behind the effectiveness of moisture-absorbent socks to eliminate the suction noise made by sandals.

The sock’s ability to absorb sweat ensures your feet remain as dry as possible, subsequently decreasing the chances of your sandals making an unsightly noise as you walk.

Choosing the right moisture-absorbent socks can be crucial.

Thick, heavy-duty socks might absorb more moisture, but they may end up making your feet feel hotter and sweatier.

The best bet would be lightweight moisture-absorbent socks, which are designed to keep your feet cool while absorbing sweat effectively.

Such socks are typically made from special materials, like moisture-wicking synthetic material, that provide the dual functionality of keeping your feet cool and dry.

Prevent sweaty, slippery feet in heels during the summer with a hair product you already own

For those struggling with sweaty feet, the video above provides a wealth of tips and tricks to help cope. It shares a unique approach of using a common hair product to combat sweat and can provide a fresh perspective on keeping your feet dry regardless of the weather.

Ultimately, wearing a pair of moisture-absorbent socks with your sandals will result in comfortable and quiet trips, free from the disruption of an embarrassing suction sound.

As an added bonus, many moisture-absorbent socks are not only functional but stylish as well.

This enables you to remain fashionable while eliminating the discomfort and noise caused by sweaty feet interacting with your sandals.

2. Use foot-talcum powder

One of the most effective ways to prevent your sandals from creating noise is to use foot-talcum powder.

This method may seem a bit unconventional, but it has worked for many people to reduce the suction noise.

Most people will find foot-talcum powder in their local drugstore or online.

It is usually pretty affordable, and a little bit of the powder can go a long way.

An added benefit is that the foot-talcum powder can help keep your feet cool and dry, even in high temperatures or during intense physical activity.

Dusting your feet with the talcum powder will reduce the moisture level between your feet and sandals.

Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to use a lot of powder, as excess use can create a mess.

Moisture between your feet and your sandals is one of the main contributors to the annoying suction noise.

So reducing the moisture using foot-talcum powder can drastically minimize the noise.

It’s also important to remember that the talcum powder should be applied to your feet and not directly to the sandals

Direct application of talcum powder on the sandals may result in the powder getting dispersed or entering the air, which might not be advantageous.

Applying the talcum powder properly before wearing your sandals can reduce the moisture.

Not only that, but it also creates a smooth surface between your feet and the sandals that prevent the noise.

However, be sure to wipe off any excessive powder so that it does not stain your sandals or feet.

The use of foot-talcum powder is not just to reduce noise, it also comes with a pleasant scent that keeps your feet smelling fresh and clean.

This technique, while sounding unusual, is a very effective way to stop your sandals from making suction noise.

3. Apply Deodorant to Feet

Your sandals might make suction noises because of moisture resulting from sweat on your feet. To combat this, you should consider applying deodorant to your feet.

It is commonly known that underarm deodorants are effective in combating sweat, but not many realize that they can also be applied to your feet for the same reason.

The same properties and mechanisms that allow deodorants to decrease underarm sweat can also help reduce foot sweat and consequently, decrease the annoying suction noises your sandals may make.

This practice is becoming increasingly common amongst athletes and individuals who spend a considerable amount of time on their feet.

Professional athletes often use this strategy as it is an easy way to prevent excessive sweating and keep their feet dry. Likewise, individuals who work on their feet all day, like construction workers or nurses, can also greatly benefit from this.

Ensuring that your feet stay dry throughout the day is the first step to getting a grip on that embarrassing suction noise. However, note that the type of deodorant you choose is also very important.

Ideally, you should opt for an antiperspirant deodorant. This type of deodorant doesn’t just mask the smell of sweat but effectively helps to reduce the amount of sweat your feet produce.

If you’re uncertain about which brand to go for, you can check reviews online or ask a professional for recommendations.

The best way to apply deodorant to your feet is to do so at night before bed. This gives the deodorant ample time to sink in and begin working.

Do take note that this method should be supplemented with other strategies, such as wearing suitable socks and maintaining proper foot hygiene, for the best results.

In the next section, we will continue to explore different methods to stop your sandals from making suction noises.

4. Use Sandal Cushions or Pads

The use of sandal cushions or pads is a simple yet effective measure in the battle against the bothersome suction noises produced from sandals.

These cushions or pads not only provide comfort to the feet but also greatly reduce the potential for creating suction noise.

Sandal cushions and pads are made up of different materials like silicon, foam, and gel and are designed to absorb shock and reduce friction between the foot and the sandal.

They can be easily affixed to any style of sandal and provide a comfortable barrier, thereby eliminating the noise from occurring.

Perhaps the most functional factor of using sandal cushions or pads is their ability to absorb moisture.

This particular characteristic ensures that the foot does not slide around in the sandal which could not only lead to discomfort but also cause that annoying suction noise.

The moisture-absorbent property of the pads minimizes the likelihood of stuffy and sweaty conditions within the sandals, translating to less noise.

In addition to noise reduction, these pads also provide significant relief to those suffering from foot conditions such as bunions, corns or calluses.

Choosing the right type of sandal cushion or pad is crucial as each type provides varying levels of comfort, cushioning and noise absorption.

Silicone and gel pads, for instance, tend to be more resistant to compression than foam pads. They maintain their cushioning effect for longer periods and are better at noise reduction.

On the other hand, foam pads are lighter weight and may be more suitable for sandals designed for rigorous activities or prolonged usage.

Another important consideration is the placement of the cushion or pad. If the suction noise is mostly emanating from the heel area, then using a heel pad could solve the issue.

If it’s coming from the entire footbed area, then a full-length insole pad is the ideal choice as it could cover the whole of the sandal’s footbed.

Moreover, using cushions or pads does not mean you have to compromise on your style or fashion. Most of these cushions or pads are designed in a way to be almost invisible once applied to the sandal.

They are thin and transparent, thus, they do not change the overall look of the sandal.

Thus, the use of sandal cushions or pads offers a twofold benefit – they not only improve the comfort and fit of your sandals but also help in eliminating annoying suction noises.

5. Make Holes at the Soles

One of the approaches you can try to stop your sandals from making a suction noise is to make holes in the soles.

This may sound a bit unorthodox, but it’s a method that has worked effectively for many people.

Most people aren’t aware that suction sounds can be caused by air being trapped between the soles of their feet and their sandals.

By creating small holes in the soles of the sandals, you are essentially providing an exit route for this trapped air.

As a result, the suction sound that can sometimes plague your walks could be significantly reduced, if not eliminated altogether.

One concern might be whether holes in the soles would adversely affect your comfort or the durability of the sandals.

Making holes doesn’t have to compromise the quality of your footwear if done correctly.

Agreed, if not carefully contrived, there is a risk of stepping on sharp objects. However, if the holes are small and centralized, this risk can be significantly reduced.

Another important note is that you must choose the right tool to create the holes for the utmost safety and effectiveness.

You must ensure that the tool you use is sharp enough to pierce the sole without damaging the rest of the shoe.

In doing so, you extend the life of your footwear, while also achieving the main goal of reducing or eliminating the undesired suction noise.

How to make a hole in a shoe strap

It should be noted that it might be a little tricky to do, especially if you haven’t done anything similar before. Therefore, I encourage you to watch the video above.

It will guide you through the process of making a hole in the strap of a shoe, which is a similar skill that would be useful when making holes in the soles of your sandals.

6. Dry Sandals Thoroughly Before Use

One of the simplest yet most effective strategies to prevent your sandals from making suction noises is to ensure they are completely dry before you use them.

A common misconception is that drying your sandals is a passive action, where you leave them out to dry naturally. However, this is not always the most efficient or effective method.

To properly dry your sandals, it’s essential to take some proactive steps.

One efficient method is to pat dry your sandals immediately after washing them or after they’ve been soaked in water. Patting them dry with a clean towel helps to absorb excess moisture that can later contribute to the suction noise.

This method works by expediting the drying process and preventing the accumulation of water in the soles of your sandals.

Pat drying is effective but sometimes, depending on the make of the sandal, some residual moisture remains. In such cases, going the extra mile by using a hair dryer can be beneficial.

A hair dryer can effectively reach hidden crevices and corners that a towel may not have accessed.

Therefore, it ensures that there is no remaining moisture which can create a steamy effect within your sandals. This steaming effect is one of the main factors causing suction noises.

Keeping your sandals in an airy and sunlit place after pat drying them and possibly, using a hair dryer, accelerates the final phase of the drying process.

To increase the effectiveness of drying your sandals, you may consider using a dessicant. Dessicants are substances that help absorb moisture and keep spaces dry.

Common household dessicants include uncooked rice or silica gel packets, which can be placed in the sandals or around them to absorb moisture.

Hence, as a final step of the drying process, using a dessicant can go a long way in ensuring your sandals are completely dry before use and thus, free from disgusting suction noises.

The aim of these drying methods is not just to remove visible moisture but to ensure that, even microscopically, your shoe is dry.

Again, a thoroughly dried sandal is a basic but essential step towards a noise-free summer experience.

7. Attach Cloth Insoles to Sandals

The use of cloth insoles is a highly effective method to stop sandals from making suction noise.

These are often soft materials made from fabrics like cotton or fleece that are designed to be placed inside the shoe.

They are easily available and can be found in most retail stores that sell footwear or even ordered online.

Functionality-wise, cloth insoles provide an added layer of cushioning between your foot and the sandal, absorbing excess sweat in the process.

One of the major causes of sandal noise are the moisture and sweat from the feet creating a suction effect.

However, cloth insoles effectively counter this issue by absorbing this moisture, hence eliminating the suction sound produced when walking or running.

In addition, cloth insoles also significantly improve the comfort of wearing sandals, making them less painful to wear for extended periods.

This is particularly useful for people who have to wear sandals throughout the day either due to their jobs or the weather conditions.

It also gives a custom fit feeling to ready-made sandals if they are slightly larger than your foot.

Another key point to note is that the maintenance of cloth insoles is simple – they can be removed, washed, and dried before using them again, keeping your sandals fresh and odor-free.

However, it is essential to replace them periodically since they tend to wear out after a few months of usage.

When attaching cloth insoles to your sandals, it’s crucial to accurately measure your foot size. Then, cut the insole according to that measurement to ensure a perfect fit.

Make sure the placement is correct and is not causing any discomfort to the toes or heels.

Attaching the insoles to the sandals can be done using simple adhesive or even double-sided tape for an easy, fuss-free application.

How to Add Support to Flat Summer Sandals with Dr Emily Splichal

Watching this video will inform you about how to add extra comfort to flat summer sandals. They can effectively apply the mentioned techniques for attaching cloth insoles.

8. Wear Sandals With Straps

It’s no secret that wearing sandals with straps can make a significant difference when trying to stop them from making suction noises.

This is primarily because the straps secure the sandals tightly to your feet, minimizing the amount of air that can get trapped and cause the noise.

The nature of the design of sandals with straps also contributes to this as it ensures a snug fit reducing the chances of creating a vacuum like effect responsible for the unwarranted sounds.

Additionally, straps on sandals distribute the pressure evenly across your foot, which is another beneficial factor that helps in reducing those disruptive noises.

You should consider adjustable straps for the most effective use.

Adjustable straps offer the flexibility to tighten or loosen your sandals as needed, giving you more control over the fit and thus, the noise.

It’s also quite easy to adjust these straps any time during the day if necessary, adding to the convenience.

Finding the perfect sandal strap tension is key; too tight, and they will be uncomfortable.

But if the straps are too loose, it does not solve the problem for reducing suction noise.

As a result, the straps’ effectiveness in reducing suction noises largely depends on you striking this delicate balance.

This is one of the simple and effective ways to combat the issue of sandals making an unwanted sucking noise.

It’s also important to note that the straps ought to be made with high-quality materials so they do not add to the noise problem.

Leather straps, for instance, are known to produce squeaky sounds when they rub against your skin or the sandal itself.

Fabric, rubber or synthetic straps are generally more noise-friendly options due to their flexibility and noise-reducing properties.

Ultimately, wearing sandals with straps is an easy solution to this somewhat annoying problem.

The effectiveness of this method, however, greatly depends on the type of straps, their adjustable nature, the material they are made up of, and how well they fit your feet.

9. Use Water-Repellent Spray

One of the well-known ways to counteract the dreaded ‘suction’ sound that is created when your foot lifts off of the sandal while walking is through the use of a water-repellent spray.

This special spray has properties that help seal the sandal material, reducing the chance of that uncomfortable and annoying sound developing.

A generous application of water-repellent spray discourages moisture accumulation on your sandals, which is a leading cause of the suction noise.

The way this works is the spray creates a barrier between your foot and the sandal, making it less likely that a vacuum will form.

It ultimately improves the overall walking experience by making your steps sound as they should – quiet and comfortable.

Using a water-repellent spray is integral in combating any moisture-induced sandal noises.

This method is not only effective, but also quite convenient as these sprays are readily available in various shoe stores and online markets.

Most spray brands are also compatible with different sandal materials making it a go-to solution for everyone.

Additionally, apart from reducing suction noise, water repellent sprays also prolong the lifespan of your sandals by protecting them from water damage and stains.

In fact, spraying your sandals can be as much a part of your routine as slipping them on before you head out the door.

Remember, to get the most out of this product, you should spray generously and make sure every part of the sandal is covered.

Let the sandals dry thoroughly before wearing them and reapply the spray whenever necessary.


Viewing the aforementioned video will help illustrate perfectly how to apply the spray on your sandals in the most effective way.

Furthermore, it offers insightful tips to get the most out of your water-repellant spray.

So, don’t just read about it, watch and learn how simple it is to ban those annoying noises your sandals make while you enjoy a soundless and relaxed walk.

10. Opt for Sandals with Air Vents.

One effective strategy to prevent your sandals from making a suction noise is by choosing to wear sandals with air vents designed into them.

These sandals are creatively engineered with miniature holes or ‘vents’ integrated into the soles which allows air circulation.

This way, the trapped air that produces the annoying suction noise is comically referred to as ‘farting sandals’, finds a way out.

Remember, it is the build-up of air pressure beneath your feet and between the sandal surface that gives rise to this suction noise when the pressure is suddenly released.

Opting for sandals with air vents is essentially a workaround to this problem as it provides continuous-release outlets for the trapped air.

This nifty feature works in two ways – it prevents the build-up of air pressure and thereby curbs the possibility of suction noise, and also enhances the comfort of the footwear by allowing better ventilation.

Our feet have about 250,000 sweat glands and it is essential for this sweat to evaporate for foot health and comfort.

The air vents in these sandals facilitate the evaporation by promoting air circulation.

With less moisture content, the possibility of creating a suction effect reduces significantly.

It is advisable to go for sandals with strategically placed vents to maximize their utility.

Also, it should be kept in mind that this design feature must be coupled with the proper size and fit of the sandals for it to work effectively.

Loosely fitted sandals will fail to curb the suction noise completely as the foot will have room to move and create the same air escaping effect when the foot lifts away from the sandal surface.

Moreover, sandals with vents are a great choice for summer months when our feet tend to sweat more leading to an increased possibility of suction noise.

Therefore, when choosing sandals, look out for different designs and brands offering ventilated versions to keep your feet cool, dry and suction noise-free.

Combining fitness with functionality, sandals with air vents can significantly enhance your overall footwear experience and put an end to those awkward moments caused by suction noise.

Choosing wisely can make a big difference in navigating this common issue efficiently.

11. Choose breathable or open-toe sandals

When it comes to preventing sandals from making that annoying suction noise, the type of sandals you choose plays a critical role.

Open-toe sandals or those made from breathable materials can be a gamechanger.

Unlike closed shoes, open-toe sandals provide ample space for airflow, ensuring that your feet can breathe.

This reduces the sweaty environment that often causes the suction noise.


By watching the attached video, you will encounter a diverse selection of summer footwear, including various types of open-toe and breathable sandals.

Further, you’ll learn about their unique features and how these can help mitigate the issue of suction noise.

Breathable sandals, on the other hand, are designed with materials that absorb sweat, further reducing moisture that can accumulate on your feet while using sandals.

The materials used in breathable sandals often have micro-pores, small enough to prevent any water from coming in but large enough to let water vapor out.

Ultimately, the more your feet breathe, the drier they stay, tremendously reducing the chances of suction noise.

This statement validates the notion that open-toe and breathable sandals are effective in combating the suction noise.

The design and materials used in these sandals, from the open spaces to the micro-pores in the fabric, all work together to ensure breathability, which in turn, reduces moisture and suction noise.

Bearing in mind the comfort, fashionable appeal, and the added benefit of noise reduction, open-toe and breathable sandals are a practical and stylish solution to the suction noise.

It’s also worth mentioning that multiple brands in the market produce aesthetically pleasing open-toe and breathable sandals, so you do not have to compromise on style to curb the suction noise.

Again, ensuring your feet are comfortable, dry, and fresh when using sandals can make your journey free from any annoying noises.

The Bottom Line

Following these tips will greatly enhance your sandal-wearing experience, providing both comfort and hygiene.

By opting for moisture-absorbent socks, using foot-talcum powder, applying deodorant and using sandal cushions or pads, you can effectively manage foot perspiration.

Further augmenting this with the use of cloth insoles, selecting sandals with straps, vents and a breathable design, will offer an added layer of comfort.

The incorporation of measures like making holes in the soles, using water-repellent spray and ensuring your sandals are thoroughly dried before use also aids in the longevity of your sandals.

Keeping these points in mind, you are bound to make your sandal use more pleasant and enjoyable.

Posted in DIY